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Forwarded from Pagan Revivalism
Join us on the 21st of June for our 12th full-moon stream and year's end retrospective. I look forward to seeing you all there!
Have a blessed Semik
Forwarded from Folkish Worldview
This is the most virgin theology I've ever seen and I've read Augustine.

This is your brain on Buddhism. Vedism on the other hand, is a true folkish religion. The oldest passages of the Rigveda say nothing about reincarnation. And when reincarnation does come in to a real folkish religion like Vedism, it is confined to rebirth in a lineage, within families:

Release him to his fathers and again down from them, who, poured into you, travels according to his will. Let him who wears life come to his offspring. Let him join his body, Jātavedas!’
– RV 10.16.5

Vedism emphatically does not involve rebirth as a mouse, a flea, or a horsefly. Buddhism is a late development of Vedanta and the Upanishads, which are themselves late developments of the original Aryan religion. They are said to be secret teachings, probably because they were heretical and contrary to orthodox Vedic interpretation during the actual Vedic period.

Folkish Aryan religion sees reincarnation as confined within lineages, as Celtic and Germanic paganism does. Buddhism is not and cannot be folkish. It universalizes the moral circle, extending it to all life and beyond even this lifetime. This is unspeakably subversive and anti-folkish.

I should get to transcribing What Is Wrong With the Bible? by C.Giuliani. As far as I know there’s no pdf available on the net, so the more I share from it the better. Has some good arguments against christians from a unique point of view (Giuliani used to be a priest).
Never fallowed that guy, but it is funny. If you want to be a big channel/personality online keep in mind that you’ll eventually get doxxed.
Slavic God Jarilo often associated with fertility and war drawn by Veneden
In 1765 a monk by the name Tikhon of Zadonsk was pleading with the citizens of Voronezh to abandon a celebration associated with Jarilo. I decided to translate his speech.
I learned, in the evening, from one good man, that on the field by the gates, some revelry called Jarilo is held. Eager to check if what I heard in the report is true I rode to the place myself and saw that it indeed was as I’ve heard. I saw that many men and women, young and old, as well as little kids from all over the city have gathered. Some of those many people were almost blind drunk. I saw some arguing, some fighting, some wounded and bloodied. I saw dances of drunk women with deplorable songs.

Such celebration I saw, listeners, among christians, people who have trice renounced Satan and all of his deeds and trice swore to serve Christ…
Oh, woe! Christians forgot that they are christians. Honor Christ in words, but renounce Him in actions.
I assure you and testify that this celebration is devilish and reeks of idol worship.
Everything in it shows that there used to an ancient idol called Jarilo which was worshipped in these countries before christian piety.

"Has this celebration been held for long?" I asked some old men. They told me that it’s ancient. They then added that it grows from year to year and people await it as a yearly feast. And when it arrives they dress up in best clothes and slowly start to revel. Even little kids eagerly ask their mothers and fathers to go.

Honest fathers and mothers! Do whatever it takes to keep your childrenn away from this…
If those stubborn and unruly sons will justify it saying that it’s an ancient custom and others celebrate it and similar ones too, you answer that it’s lowly to follow the customs of the ancestors or any other people and whether this custom is good or bad, soul-saving or not is not to be pondered.

Stepping back to the beginning of Christ’s storyline, we find that his conception and birth have an uncanny resemblance to those of Buddha. In both cases, the mother was a paragon of virtue, had a vision, and, without sexual relations, became pregnant with an extraordinary child. Each baby was delivered while the mother was on a journey, and these births were both announced by angels, as the stories go. After the birth of Buddha, a hermit sage, who had heard the celebrations of angels, was told by them that the infant would sit on the throne of enlightenment. In the Christian story, the angels appeared and told shepherds that a child was born who is Christ the Lord. And Christ is said to have later sat at the right hand of the throne of God.

Numerous other events in Christ’s life, as described in the gospels, precisely parallel those in the life of Buddha to such an extent that they cannot be written off as mere coincidences. But the parallels go way beyond similarities in the life narratives of these two individuals. They also extend into the realm of their anecdotal sayings

- In Matthew 7:3 Jesus said: “And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?”
In the Dhammapada Buddha wrote: “The faults of others are more easily seen than one’s own, but seeing one’s own failings is difficult.”
- Christ said that he who chooses him as Lord must take up the cross, deny oneself, and follow him. He also said that his yoke was easy and his burden light.
Buddha said: “He who wishes to follow me must know himself and bear my yoke.”
- Christ said to love our fellow man and to do good to those who persecute us.
Buddha stated: “Hostility is never conquered by hostility in this world; hostility is conquered by love.
That is the eternal law.”

2024/06/26 07:19:52
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